A knight entertains, he does not seek to be entertained.
He does not pursue glory, but lives to glorify others.
He does not desire to be known, but to know others.
A knight comprehends his identity and walks in it at all times,
unphased by the world at war raging around him.
He shows respect to all but does not expect courtesy in return.
A knight fights for justice, but his role is not as judge.
He invites his enemies to feast at the table prepared for him.
His kingdom is built with relationships, not temples.
He does not take on the burden of other kingdoms,
nor seek to conquer other kingdoms.
A knight is not validated by accumulating treasures and wealth.
His legacy is the wisdom carried on by the next generation into eternity.
He does not fear his weakness but faces it with strength.
His war is against internal enemies;
Ego is his advisory.
A knight doesn’t seek comfort
but ventures out of his castle on crusade
leaving everything behind.
He knows progress only comes through trial
and evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Fear does not rule his life because he lives in the confidence
that he will not walk the fields of Elysium until his purpose is fulfilled.
A knight does not draw strength from his queen,
but instead offers his strength.
He fights for her virtue
and gives what she doesn’t even know she needs
when she doesn’t even know she needs it.
A knight pursues his queen by seeking to understand her story,
revealing her fears and wounds.
He rescues her through intimacy,
becoming a safe garden for her beauty to flourish.
A knight does not exist to be served,
but to provide for the livelihood of all subjects in his kingdom.
A knight only receives from the King,
he does not accept what is not from the Father.
He provides all the resources of his kingdom to support,
protect and nurture his subjects.